Oftentimes people are involved in automobile accidents where, luckily, no one is injured. Whether it be a person hitting a parked car or simply a low-impact collision, however, these incidents do typically cause property damage to one or both vehicles. If your insurance company pays for the damage to your car in one of these situations, it is most likely because the other driver was uninsured or cannot be identified. This type of coverage is called uninsured motorist coverage. When the insurance company pays for the damage to your car under the uninsured motorist coverage, can they charge you a $200 deductible?
In Tennessee, an insurance company cannot charge a deductible in these types of situations if the driver of the other car was totally at fault and can be positively identified. In other words, if you can prove who was driving the other car, and the accident was their fault, your insurance company cannot charge you a $200 deductible when it covers the damage to your car. Although many people simply accept this deductible and assume that it is part of their policy, the insurance company cannot legally charge the $200 in this scenario under Tennessee state law.
If you feel that your car insurance company has improperly charged you a $200 deductible for property damage, call our office today.